DigitalSuite will be exhibiting at Impact: the business services and innovation fair

DigitalSuite will be exhibiting at Impact: the business services and innovation fair

We are pleased to announce that DigitalSuite Italia will participate in the next edition of Impact, the Business Services and Innovation Fair to be held on October 16 and 17 at the Padua Fairgrounds.

DigitalSuite will be present at Impact

Impact is a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their innovative solutions and make meaningful connections in the business world. During the event, our team will be on hand to present our cutting-edge platforms and discuss how they can contribute to the success of your business.

What you can discover at our booth:

  • Demos of our platforms
  • Personalized consultations with our experts
  • Presentations of the latest news and features of our services

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet us and find out how we can support your company’s growth and innovation.

For more information or to make an appointment during the fair, please contact us.

We look forward to seeing you at Impact!

Transition 5.0 plan: the future of Italian industry is here and now

With the publication of the implementing decree in the Official Gazette, the Transition 5.0 Plan is officially operational.
This revolutionary initiative, promoted by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT), marks a turning point for innovation and sustainability in the Italian industrial sector.

What is the Transition 5.0 Plan?

A unique opportunity to modernize and make Italian companies more sustainable , regardless of their size or sector that aims to: – support the transition to more efficient and sustainable production processes.
– Incentivize the adoption of advanced digital technologies.
– Promote the use of renewable energy sources.
– Invest in staff training and upgrading.

Resources allocated

The government has allocated a total of 12.7 billion euros for the 2024-2025 biennium.
Of these:

  • 6.3 billion from the RePower EU program will fund the Transition 5.0 Plan.
  • 6.4 billion, already provided for in the budget law, will be available for the Transition 4.0 Plan.

The tax credit has a maximum rate of 45% and is modulated in 9 rates depending on the amount of investment and the reduction in energy consumption achieved.

Eligibility criteria

All resident companies and permanent establishments based in Italy are eligible for the grant, regardless of their legal form, economic sector, size and the tax regime adopted for determining business income.
To qualify for the incentives, innovation projects involving investments in technologically advanced tangible and intangible assets must demonstrate a reduction in energy consumption of at least 3 percent or 5 percent on the process affected by the investment.


The Plan is valid from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025. Companies have the option of an extension until Feb. 28, 2026 for documentation aspects, providing flexibility in project planning and execution.

How to participate

Reservation of incentives is possible from August 7, 2024 through the GSE platform.
Access is via SPID, ensuring a secure and simplified process.
The platform will guide companies through all the necessary steps.
Do not miss this unique opportunity to innovate and grow your business.

Lombardy Region Announcement: 20 Million for MPMIs

Regione Lombardia is issuing an ambitious challenge to the business world with a €20 million initiative for the digital transformation of MPMIs.
This call for proposals, called Digital Transition of Lombardy Enterprises, aims to revolutionize the local business landscape by pushing MPMIs towardtechnological innovation.
The call offers a unique opportunity for MPMIs to access significant funding for their digital transformation.
With a grant of up to 100,000 euros per company, covering 50 percent of eligible expenses, Regione Lombardia demonstrates its concrete commitment to supporting innovation in the local business fabric. Key points of the Lombardy 2024 digitization call:

  1. Initial allocation of 20 million (extendable to 30)
  2. Maximum contribution per enterprise – 100,000 euros
  3. Covering 50% of eligible expenses
  4. Applications open from September 3, 2024
  5. Requirements – operational headquarters in Lombardy and at least two approved budgets

At the heart of this initiative is the development of customized Strategic Digitization Plans: designed to transform every aspect of business, from internal management to online presence, via the optimization of production processes.
The“Digital Transition of Lombardy Companies” call for proposals does not just offer economic support, but aims to create a real culture of widespread digitization.
In an increasingly interconnected world, this initiative could be the key for Lombard companies to stand out and compete on a global scale.
Interested MPMIs can apply starting September 3, 2024.
This call represents an unmissable opportunity for Lombard companies to embrace technological innovation and position themselves at the forefront of the global market.

DigitalSuite Italy presents AiMySuite

Cloud software: evolutionary trend in 2024


CVA chooses CreditSuite

CVA outsources implementation of CreditSuite service to DigitalSuite

CVA has selected CreditSuite as its cloud-based software solution for managing the Companies’ Credit Operation Management processes. Milan, Sept. 13, 2023: As part of a process redesign program for credit governance, CVA Energie has entrusted DigitalSuite with the implementation of the serviceCreditSuite. CVA Energie is the energy operator of choice in the Aosta Valley, but its energy reaches all over Italy. Part of the CVA Group, CVA Energie is a company that provides sustainable and innovative offerings to households and businesses throughout Italy. CVA Energie‘s numbers: Turnover > 1,600M€, over 120,000 PODs served. The CreditSuite platform comprehensively supports UTILITIES in credit management. It makes it possible to govern, with a single tool, the entire process: from monitoring deadlines to managing reminders, from managing terminations to the outstanding debt recovery cycles of the extrajudicial and judicial phases. CVA chooses CreditSuite

AUDAX chooses CreditSuite

AUDAX contracts DigitalSuite to implement CreditSuite service

AUDAX has selected CreditSuite as its cloud-based software solution for managing companies’ Credit Operation Management processes.

Milan, June 28, 2023
: as part of a process redesign program for credit governance,
Audax Energia
has entrusted DigitalSuite with the implementation of the



AUDAX ITALY provides light and gas to households and businesses throughout Italy. Part of Madrid-listed Audax Renewables, it successfully operates in eight countries, including besides Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, France and Hungary.

The CreditSuite platform comprehensively supports UTILITIES in credit management. It makes it possible to govern, with a single tool, the entire process: from monitoring deadlines to managing reminders, from managing terminations to the outstanding debt recovery cycles of the extrajudicial and judicial phases.

Debt collection utilities: the importance of tracking registered mail

Utility debt collection: the importance of tracking registered mail in compliance with ARERA regulations

Managing and recovering debts in the utilities sector, is a complex challenge today as customer insolvency has become a common problem for all companies in the industry.

This activity requires considerable effort, specific skills, and the use of platforms that can improve performance, reduce manual labor, and prevent errors becoming increasingly in a strategic asset.


1.How debt collection is done: risks and opportunities

  1. The major risks
  2. The opportunities

3. Why is it important to have dynamic tracking of registered letters?

4. Conclusion

How debt collection is done: risks and opportunities

In recent years, the utility sector has been affected by market difficulties. To deal with these issues effectively, accounts receivable management has become a key activity, as it is an important part of companies’ financial management.

Unpaid invoices pose a negative impact and risk to the company, which must equip itself with adequate resources and tools to minimize debt collection time and manage disputes and claims.

Utilities are adopting several strategies, including the very reorganization of credit management, internal resources with the use of debt collection platforms such as CreditSuite.

The major risks

Some of the most significant critical issues that arise and slow down the debt collection process include:

  • Moroseness
  • Credit switch
  • Data Integration
  • Communication management
  • Tracking of registered A/R mail

The opportunities

Despite the fact that credit management is a crucial factor in business success and can generate numerous financial benefits, many people have yet to realize its importance, and traditional management systems regard it only as an accounting element rather than as a fundamental process for sustainability and profitability.

Unfortunately, controlling the dynamics related to credit management is often considered a secondary issue and is only addressed when collection problems occur.

By automating the processes of monitoring-solicitation-detachment and managing the activation of out-of-court debt collection and judicial, enterprises can  “govern” credit as strategic business process.

Why is it important to have dynamic tracking of registered letters?

To ensure an efficient and effective recovery process, it is essential to adopt modern tools such as dynamic tracking of registered letters to meet ARERA regulations on time.

CreditSuite offers an advanced system for keeping track of communications sent to debtors. This innovative technology makes it possible to monitor the route of registered letters in real time, providing detailed information on their delivery status and receipt by recipients.

There are several key reasons that highlight the advantages of this solution:

  1. Timeliness in action: with dynamic tracking, companies can get immediate updates on the delivery status of registered letters sent to debtors. This real-time information enables prompt action in case a letter is not delivered or is rejected. Prompt action is crucial to avoid delays in debt collection and to take legal action.
  2. Increased transparency: provides greater transparency in the debt collection process. Companies can access detailed reports showing when and where a registered letter was delivered or if there was a failed delivery attempt. This data enables companies to obtain tangible evidence to support any legal claims or future negotiations with debtors.
  3. Cost reduction: can help reduce costs associated with credit recovery. With the visibility provided by letter tracking, companies can avoid unnecessary expenses associated with repeated delivery attempts or sending replacement letters. In addition, the operational efficiency resulting from a dynamic tracking system can reduce the overall administrative costs associated with debt collection.


Dynamic tracking of registered mail is a key solution for debt collection companies. It offers timeliness of action, greater transparency, reduced costs, and a better customer experience. Companies that adopt this technology will be able to take immediate action on credit recovery, improving their operational efficiency and achieving more positive results in the credit recovery process.

GREATPIXEL Ltd. chooses ContractSuite

GREATPIXEL chooses ContractSuite for enterprise contract management.

Milan, April 20, 2023

GREATPIXEL S.r.l. an Italian company specializing in consulting, design, branding and creative services for major Italian industrial groups, has selected ContractSuite as its cloud-based software solution for company management, automating the company’s governance and control systems.

GREATPIXEL has adopted ContractSuite with the sole purpose of having a comprehensive enterprise commitment management platform that can provide visibility into contractual commitments, financial planning and cash requirements.

The ContractSuite platform of DigitalSuite will support GREATPIXEL 360° in the management of contracts, allowing to govern, with a single tool the whole company: from the monitoring of contracts and orders, through the activation of the HR module, to the management of the active and passive cycle, exploiting all the forecasting potentialities made available by ContractSuite.