ContractSuite. Anticipate events, and schedule stress-free development of your Business.

Milan, September 20, 2022

One more piece is added by DigitalSuite to its Digital Application Platforms: the new ContractSuite platform.

Unique in its kind, it offers a unique and innovativeexperience that is totally different from traditional,efficiency-oriented models.

It was founded on a key principle: contracts are the lifeblood of businesses.

Indeed, signed contracts are commitments made that directly impact costs, revenues, and profits.

ContractSuite tracks all revenues and expenditures, interconnected with contracts, to ensure effective coverage of short/medium-term needs, and allows current, and forecast cashflow to be in control at all times.

A centralized system, available on web, mobile and desktop, that can manage all Business activities related to costs and revenues.

It allows monitoring of business performance, highlighting all the elements that directly impact business sustainability and success.

And it is exactly from this need that CONTRACTSUITE took shape, the only platform that allows entrepreneurs to have a 360-degree view of the real performance of the company and to manage “in advance” all situations that require an entrepreneurial vision:

  • Contract deadlines
  • Marginality
  • Cashflow and financial requirements
  • Suppliers to be paid
  • Delayed customer payment receipts
  • Planning for the future

It is an important tool for management control, in line with the New Business Crisis Code [Decree No. 14 of Jan. 12, 2019]:

  • Coordinates the financial impact of business commitments
  • Governs contracts with customers and suppliers, controlling deadlines and conditions
  • Manages personnel in both contractual aspects and in monitoring hours worked per job order, tracking fixed and variable costs of expenses (such as expense reports and reimbursements)
  • Integrates cash inflows and outflows (banks, cards, paypal) to monitor payments and collections
  • Provides customer and supplier statements
  • Creates a cash flow forecast and equips the company with predictive tools useful for cash management
  • Makes decisions faster with information available anytime, anywhere
  • Reduces overall technology and telecommunications costs due to the economy of scale achievable with a Suite available as a service (SaaS) mode

“It is a compass, pointing the way to safeguard and increase any type of Business.”

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