Infrastructure and software for the digitalization of the electricity sector

Digital technologies will have major impacts on energy supply and demand in terms of efficiency, reliability and sustainability.

We are at the dawn of a new energy era. In the coming decades, digital technologies will make energy systems everywhere more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable, and sustainable with major spillovers on both the demand and supply sides. This is according to a recent report by the International
Energy Agency (IEA)
on “Digitization and Energy.”“Digitization is erasing the boundaries between supply and demand,” explains IEA Director General Fatih Birol.

“The electricity sector and smart grid are at the center of this transformation, but eventually all supply and demand sectors will be involved across the board.” Digitized energy systems will, in the not-so-distant future, be able to identify who needs energy and get it to the right place, at the right time, and at the lowest price. But, warns the IEA, the other side of the coin should not be underestimated: digitization brings with it new security and privacy risks and is changing markets, business models and employment levels. The energy sector has a long history of using digital technologies.

Electric utilities in the 1970s pioneered digitization, using emerging technologies to facilitate grid management and operation. Oil and gas companies have long used digital technologies to improve decision-making processes related to exploration and production assets, including reserves and pipelines. The digitization of energy has been growing at an accelerating pace in recent years: global investment in digital infrastructure and software for the electricity sector, for example, has increased by 20 percent annually since 2014, reaching US$47 billion in 2016.

Dall’aumento dei dispositivi connessi presenti nelle case di tutto il mondo, all’automazione dei processi di produzione industriale, alla mobilità intelligente, le tecnologie digitali stanno modificando profondamente come, dove e quando l’energia viene consumata. risparmi complessivi derivanti dall’impiego delle tecnologie digitali in tutte le centrali elettriche e le infrastrutture della rete potrebbero essere nell’ordine di 80 miliardi di dollari all’anno nel periodo compreso tra il 2016 e il 2040, o circa il 5% dei costi totali di generazione di energia annui.


Le aziende del settore  Energy & Utility  stanno attraversando una trasformazione profonda che avrà impatto su tutte le fasi di produzione del valore. DIGITALSUITE ITALIA supporta le Utility nella digital Transformation nella definizione di nuove soluzioni  e tecnologie specifiche per il mondo delle Utilities.

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